Then to Now...

Then to Now...
Baker's progress...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Baker News…

Baker finally had his first appointment with the pulmonologist. The doctor said he looks great and was surprised that his O2 saturation levels were so high. He told us to take him off of the Oxygen during the day, and only put it on when he is sleeping or if his stats slip to low. So we followed the Doctor's order yesterday and he didn't need any extra oxygen until this evening. He also told us that most babies get off the oxygen at 6 months. So he may soon be able to lose the extra support!!!

He weighs 8 pounds 2 ounces. Also to catch you up on his progress, we had to stop the bottle feeding because near the end of the feeds his stats would go down. The GI doctor told us to stop the feeds for now, to avoid a risk of Aspiration Pneumonia. He has had a couple apneas while he was sleeping so the doctor has ordered a sleep study.

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