Then to Now...

Then to Now...
Baker's progress...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

April, Spring and Baker is Amazing

O.k. I have not updated the blog in awhile – and my excuse is that I've been incredibly busy. The bottom line is that Baker is fantastic. He is now 10 months old… This makes me take a step back and pause… 10 months old!!!! He is almost 1 full year old! One full year since we lived in the hospital, one full year since we sat daily in the NICU, stopped by the Chapel daily, and ate hospital food more times then not. It all seems like 10 years ago, the alarms, the oxygen, tube feeding, the worry... Wow, I think I say this at least once every day... just wow....

I do have a post that I'm putting together about our experience (or lack of actually) with early intervention. In theory and true practice I think early intervention is neccessary for kids that are born with disadvantages (like being born early, needing breathing or eating assistance, or at risk for further problems in child hood). The studies show that if you work with the babies, that overall outcomes are better... Well in our case we didn't see the early interventionist until Baker was 9 months old...

O.k. enough of the teaser, I will finsih that one up tonight...

You can see all of his pictures at and you can see April's pictures at ...

Thank you for stopping by…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can we have a Playdate ????
xo, kristin