Then to Now...

Then to Now...
Baker's progress...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

February "Fun" and March Madness!

Well again much has happened since the last post. Baker is walking now! It's soooo cool, and though it took a little longer than we thought he finally has decided that bipedal mobility is much better then crawling!

The beginning of February, Baker started day care. After vetting what seemed like a thousand different places we finally settled with the Easter Seals, since they can also provide his physical and speech therapy and have experience with working with children who may be a little behind developmentally. His second day of school he came home with a fever and his first cold! His Grand-ma came down from South Carolina to visit and help out while he was out of school sick (which was awesome!) And right before she left he decided to start walking all over the place... Ever since then we’ve all been getting sick on and off. I think we are finally through it... (Praying, crossing fingers etc…) Baker has had constant ear infections, and his pediatrician is prepping us for putting tubes in his ears if they continue. He’s had ear infections since he started school, and we are all wondering if this is the source of his speech not being exactly where it should be at this age. We’ll see…

It’s sooo crazy Baker is almost 2! Where has the time gone?!?!
Enjoy the new pictures and movies…


Anonymous said...

thank you. I love it, to finally see him walking & talking. Aunt Lesa

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Baker!! Can't believe you are now TWO! You've come a long way from being that tiny baby to a big, walking, talking boy!! I hope you have a wonderful day - I'll be thinking of you!!
Love Debra(Auntie).