Then to Now...

Then to Now...
Baker's progress...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hey everybody!!!

The last couple of days Baker has slowed down on his ventilator weaning. They have him up on more support; he's not quite ready to breathe on his own yet. This is a minor set back, and very common with premature babies his age and size. Overall he's doing well with the breathing, but as I said earlier he gets too comfortable and let's the ventilator take over his breathing for him. He is scheduled to have the PICC line removed because he doesn't really need it anymore. All of his medications can be administered orally. For all that have joined us late, the PICC line is was a central catheter going from his foot to above his heart that was used to administer IV medications. Once this is out then he will have no more needles sticking in him.

They are changing his feedings now. He is moving from continuous feeds to bolus feeds. This means he will be getting his 30 mls within a 15-30 minute period instead of over a 3 hour period. This is closer to natural feeding, but sometimes isn't tolerated as well as continuous feeding.

We also got the results back from his Monday cranial ultrasound. He is now showing the beginning signs of PVL which was expected with the Intraventricular Hemorrhaging. This is still a wait and see thing.

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