Then to Now...

Then to Now...
Baker's progress...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Milestones and Pictures

Baker reached a new milestone today. He is now completely off the IV nutrition and lipids and is getting 100% of his nutrition from fortified breast milk. He now eats 20ml's every 3 hours. It was such a joy walking in this evening and seeing no IV pumps connected to my boy for the first time since he was born. I now leave you with pictures…


Annabanana said...

Allllllrrrrrriiiigggghhhtt! Yay to mama milk and no IV! What a gorgeous sight to see you holding that precious boy! He's so ding dang cute I can't stand it! Amazing, Amazing, Amazing Baker T.! love, Ann & the Guys

Unknown said...

How wonderful! My prayers are with you.