Then to Now...

Then to Now...
Baker's progress...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ventilator Part II

I went back this evening and found Baker's rates lower yet again. He seemed to tolerate it o.k., but the little guy is working really hard to breathe. When they do this, he burns a lot more calories then normal. I'm sure he's going to lose some weight tonight. I just don't get it, his regular Doctor assured us that we would take a conservative approach to his ventilator weaning and the shift she's not there and this particular doctor is all that talk goes out the door. I'm going to talk to his regular doctor tomorrow to see if we can get this in his chart, I'm also going to raise hell. There is no point in these drastic changes if it's going to push back his progress like it did last week. I just pray Baker doesn't crash this morning. I'm going to call in a couple of hours to see how he's doing. I have to qualify all of this by saying I know very little about what I'm talking about here, I just know how Baker has done in the past when this doctor has taken care of him. The little guy may surprise the heck out of us and decide to breathe on his own quicker then we thought, but then again he may not be quite ready crash and progress be set back a couple of days. Fingers are crossed.


Anonymous said...

Very good news on the ultrasound results yesterday! And I'm sure Baker's parents will have resolved the avw (aggressive ventilator weaning) concern by noon today. Love, Aunt Jo

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear of Baker's progess!! Sounds like Mom and Dad have some pretty good instincts about their baby boy. How lucky Baker is to have such great advocates. Our fingers are crossed, and our prayers are out there!!
We love you guys..

Anonymous said...

we love you too scotty..